
Evidence to UK Parliament inquiries

McAuley D., Koene A., Perez E-V., Portillo V., Creswick H., Dowthwaite L. and Cano M-G. response to Commons Science and Technology Committee “Impact of social media and screen-use on young people’s health inquiry” inquiry, Publication number: SMH0131, 24th April 2018.

Koene A. response to inquiry by Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence inquiry, Publication number: AIC0208, 11th October 2017.

McAuley D., Koene A., Perez E-V., Jirotka M., Patel M. & Webb H. response to Commons Science and Technology Committee “Algorithms in decision-making” inquiry, Publication number: ALG0049, 26th April 2017.

Koene A. response to Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee “Fake News” inquiry, Publication number: FNW0116, 19th April 2017.

Policy briefing notes and reports

Koene A., briefing notes on: “Some implications of WTO ecommerce proposals restricting access to algorithms on algorithmic transparency“, WTO Public Forum, 2-4 October 2018.

Koene A., Webb H., Patel M., Machado C., LaViolette J., Hatada Y., Clifton C., Richardon R. and Reisman D., “A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency“, European Parliament Research Services, Science Technology Options Assessment Resport (EPRS/2018/STOA/SER/18/002), 4 April 2019. [DOI: 10.2861/59990]

Koene A., “A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency”, Policy Brief, European Parliament Research Services, 4 April 2019

Media Engagement

Liz Dowthwaite talked to BBC Click – ‘It’s Been Emotional‘, about the Digiplay Workshops at Polka Techtopia – teaching kids about data and how algorithms shape the world online, 30 May 2018.

Perez E-V, E Bethan Davis & Jen Martin, “Logan Paul’s dead body video reinforces call for better child protection online“, in the Conversation on 8 January 2018.

RT UK Debate – Social media content Watchdog calls for new law to prosecute tech firms over illegal content – Dr Felix Jackson & Dr Ansgar Koene on 15 December 2017.

Koene A, “Machine gaydar: AI is reinforcing stereotypes that liberal societies are trying to get rid of“, in the Conversation on 13 September 2017,
[Reposted on Digital Leaders blog and Medium page on November 29th 2017]

Perez E-V & Koene A, “We asked young people what they want from the internet of the future – here’s what they said“, in the Conversation on 23 March 2017.
[Reposted on the Independent website on April 1st 2017 and on the Digital Leaders blog and Medium page on November 28th 2017]

Koene A, “Facebook’s algorithms give it more editorial responsibility – not less“, in the Conversation on 14 September 2016 and Business Insider UK on 15 September 2016.

Press Releases & mentions in the media

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for Business Leaders – Should Anyone Care?“, in TechEmergence, on 9 December 2017.

YouTube, kids and Silicon Valley’s recurring algorithmic blind spot“, in WIRED, on 24 November 2017

IEEE and ACM Collaborations on ATA“, published in AI Matters: A Newsletter of ACM SIGAI, on 1 October 2017.

Keeping Bias From Creeping Into Code“, published in The Institute (The IEEE news source), on 12 September 2017.

News focus: Algorithms and ‘Schrödinger’s justice‘”, by Michael Cross in The Law Society Gazette, on 8 May 2017

“Online emancipation: Protecting users from algorithmic bias”, published in ScienceDaily , EurekaAlert, AlphaGalileo, on 6 October 2016.

 “UnBias: Emancipating users against algorithmic biases“, on PD&TN News & Blogs, on 2 September 2016.

UnBias project reports

UnBias project summary report, summarising the key finding and outcomes of the UnBias project. Presented as part of the UnBias showcase event on October 1st, 2018.

WP1, “Youth Juries: What we learned from you“, report for young people summarising the outcomes from the UnBias Youth Juries. Report published in our blog on October 2nd 2018.

WP4, “Summary report of the outcomes of the 2nd UnBias stakeholder workshop“, held on June 19th 2017. Report draft finalized November 27th 2017.
[redacted version pending forthcoming academic publication]

WP4, “Summary report of the outcomes of the 1st UnBias stakeholder workshop“, held on February 3rd 2017. Report draft finalized April 18th 2017.

Journal Papers

Helena Webb, Menisha Patel, Michael Rovatsos, Alan Davoust, Sofia Ceppi, Ansgar Koene, Liz Dowthwaite, Virginia Portillo, Monica Cano and Marina Jirotka. 2019. “It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm” Opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency.  Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society. ETHICOMP2018 Special Issue. [DOI: 10.1108/jices-11-2018-0092]

Helen Creswick, Liz Dowthwaite, Ansgar Koene, Elvira Perez Vallejos, Virginia Portillo, Monica Cano, and Woodard Christopher. 2019. “…they don’t really listen to people”. Young people’s concerns and recommendations for improving online experiences. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society. ETHICOMP2018 Special Issue. [in press]

Liz Dowthwaite, Helen Creswick, Virginia Portillo, Monica Cano, Elvira Perez Vallejos, Ansgar Koene, and Menisha Patel. 2018. UnBias Youth Juries. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society (SMSociety ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 276-280. [DOI: 10.1145/3217804.3217928]

Helena Webb, Ansgar Koene, Menisha Patel, Elvira Perez Vallejos. 2018. Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue for Policy Recommendations on Algorithmic Fairness. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Media & Society, Copenhagen, Denmark (SMSociety).
[DOI: 10.1145/3217804.3217952]

Angar Koene, “Algorithmic Bias: Addressing Growing Concerns“, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine Volume: 36, Issue: 2, June 2017.  [DOI: 10.1109/MTS.2017.2697080]

Ansgar Koene, Elvira Perez Vallejos, Helena Webb, Menisha Patel, Sofia Ceppi, Marina Jirotka and Derek McAuley, “Editorial responsibilities arising from personalization algorithms“, in Orbit, 05/06/2017 [presented at Ethicomp, June 2017]

Elvira Perez Vallejos, Ansgar Koene, Virginia Portillo, Liz Dowthwaite and Monica Cano, “Young people’s policy recommendations on algorithm fairness“, in Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference, Pages 247-251 ISBN: 978-1-4503-4896-6 DOI: 10.1145/3091478.3091512 [presented at WebScience 2017]

Conference contributions


Koene A (2017) “Algorithmic Decision-Making: Fairness, Bias and the Role of Ethics Standards“, European Big Data Value Forum, November 21-23, Versailles, France

Portillo V, Perez E-V, Cano M, Dowthwaite L & Koene A (2017) “Algorithmic taste management: young people’s perspectives and recommendations“, ECREA Digital Democracy: Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data, November 10-11, Stockholm, Sweden.

Koene A, Perez E-V, Webb, H, Patel M (2017) “Human Agency on Algorithmic Systems”, AoIR2017, October 18-21, Tartu, Estonia. (presentation)

Pérez E, Koene A, Portillo V, Dowthwaite L, Cano M (2017) Young People’s Policy Recommendations on Algorithm Fairness. WebSci’17 June 25-28 Troy, NY, USA. (presentation)

Koene A, Pérez E, Webb H, Patel M, Ceppi S, Jirotka M & McAuley D (2017) Editorial Responsibility arising from personalisation algorithms. ETHICOMP, 4-8 June Turin, Italy (presentation)

Ansgar Koene, “User agency on social networks that are mediated by algorithms”, Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies (#DASTS16) Interpellating Future(s) The biennual Danish conference on STS, June 2-3, 2016 (presentation)


Koene A (2017) re-presentation of WebSci’17 poster at “The growing ubiquity of algorithms in society: implications, impacts and innovations” scientific meeting at the Royal Society, October 30-31, London, UK.

Koene A, Ceppi S, Webb H, Patel M, Pérez E, Lane G, Jirotka M & Rovatsos (2017) Algorithm Fairness in Online Information Systems Poster presented at WebSci’17, June 25-28 Troy, NY, USA.

Ansgar Koene, “A multi-stakeholder perspective on the regulation and design of algorithm fairness”, 4th Winchester Conference on Trust, Risk, Information and the Law (TRILCon17), May 3, 2017 (poster)

Workshops & Roundtables

Koene A (2018) ISOC UK England webinar “Multi-Sided Trust for Multi-Sided Platforms“, London, UK,April 12

Koene A (2018) iConference, BIAS – Bias in Information, Algorithms and Systems workshop “Policy approaches to socio-technical causes of bias in algorithmic systems – what role can ethical standards play?“, Sheffield, UK, March 25

Koene A (2018) Re-Work: AI Assistant summit London: AI Ethics panel, London, UK, March 16

Koene A (2018) HUMAINT project kickoff workshop: “IEEE P7003 Standard for Algorithmic Bias Considerations”, Barcelona, Spain, March 5-6

Koene A (2018) Nottingham City Council: “SMART because of You”, Nottingham, UK, February 19

Koene A (2017) IGF 2017 “(Self-)regulation of algorithmic systems that control online information access”, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-21 December (workshop presentation)

Koene A (2017) Ditchley Foundation: AI and Machine Learning: how do we make sure technology serves the open society? Oxford, UK, 8-10 December

Koene A (2017) NSF workshop: Trustworthy Algorithmic Decision-Making, Pentagon City, Arlington, USA, December 4-5

Koene A (2017) USACM Panel on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability, September 14, Washington DC, USA

Koene A, Pérez E, Webb H, Patel M & Ceppi S (2017) AMOIA –User trust, transparency, control and responsibility. Workshop presented at WebSci’17 June 25-28 Troy, NY, USA

Pérez E (2017) Disinformation and Discernment: New Skills to Protect Old Values. Roundtable at OEB MidSummit, 8-9 June Reykjavik, Iceland.

Koene A (2017) “Accountability and regulation of algorithms“, EuroDIG2017 Flash Session 02, June 6, Tallinn, Estonia.

Koene A, Webb H, Patel M, Dowthwaite L, Portillo V (2017), “An exploration of trust, transparency and bias in law enforcement and judicial decision support systems”, 4th Winchester Conference on Trust, Risk, Information and the Law (TRILCon17), May 3, Winchester, UK.  (workshop presentation)

Koene A (2017) “Algorithms – A technical perspective: are they really a black box?” University of Strathclyde “Algorithms Workshop”, February 15th, Glasgow, UK. (workshop presentation)

Public Engagements

Ansgar Koene presentation at MozFest 2017, October 28th 2017.

Ansgar Koene Studium Generale presentation at TU Eindhoven, October 25th, 2017

Ansgar Koene presentation at the Nottingham Broadway cinema’s Explorers Fair Expo, February 11th, 2017.


  • Emerald Real Impact Awards 2018 – ‘Highly Commended’
  • Short listed for University of Nottingham Knowledge Exchange & Impact Awards 2018 for:
    – Policy Impact
    – Expert Commentator
  • EPSRC IAA Impact Exploration Award 2018
  • RCUK Digial Economy Theme ‘Telling Tales of Engagement’ Award 2017

Emancipating Users Against Algorithmic Biases for a Trusted Digital Economy

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