Category Archives: Experiment

Telling Tales of Engagement: Raising Awareness of Human Rights Issues

What impact do short videos about human rights have on the awareness and engagement with with Human Rights by University students? This is the question we sought to address in a recent study in collobation with with Prof. Matthew Daniles of the Institute of World Politics, who in 2016 launched the YouTube channel that features student created short human rights videos.

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How hard is to be fair in multi-user combinatorial scenarios?

Many multi-user scenarios are characterised by a combinatorial nature, i.e., an algorithm can take meaningful decisions for the users only if all their requirements and preferences are considered at the same time to select a solution from a huge potential space of possible system decisions. Sharing economy application, where users aim to find peers to form teams with in order to accomplish a task, and situations in which a limited number of potentially different resources, e.g. hotel rooms,  must be distributed to users who have preferences over  them are examples of such scenarios.

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